Thursday, April 11, 2013

Zamzam Abdi - American Korean

 When you think of the word “Korean” the first thing that comes to mind could range from the looming threat of North Korea, the bustling South Korea, or even just that one song that everyone seems to know the dance to. Something that does not come to mind, is a young woman from Africa, now living in America, and aspiring to move to Korea. Zamzam Abdi is without a doubt the most Korean-loving person I know, her face lighting up with a smile and her very soul seeming to lighten with happiness as she spoke about her plans.
                Smartly thought, Zamzam plans to just visit the Southern country at first before picking up and moving to a new life in a foreign land. She wants to spend a lot of time in the countries capital, Seoul, in hopes of absorbing the culture and maybe, meeting a few of her favourite band members from popular K-Pop groups “Super Junior” and “2ne1”(pronounced “twenty-one”). Among the fast-paced lifestyle of going to band signings, concerts, and game shows, Zamzam also plans to get a (literal) taste of the country through the delicious cuisine.
                Zamzam has a busy and assuredly exciting life ahead of her, and I, personally, wish her the best of luck.

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