Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Interview of Classmate

Zamzam Abdi

      1.       What are the origins of your name? (where did your parents find it, any historic/ethnic meaning)
      Named after her aunt, means "holy water"
2.       What kind of background do you come from? (upper/middle/lower class, rural/city, etc)
      Lived in middle class Africa, moved to America, lived in Minneapolis then moved to the suburbs

4.       What do you like to do in your free time? (hobbies/interests)
      Internet, watch Korean dramas and reality shows, draw/photoshop things

5.       What are your plans for the future? (college, job, etc)
      College (Normandale Community), transfer eventually, get a nice car, go to South Korea or Europe (England, Sqitzerland, Belgium)

6.       What do you look for in a boy/girlfriend?
      Nice, good listener, respectful, funny, caring, ~cute~

9.       Favourite trait/quality about yourself?
      Comfortable in own skin (not afraid to be herself in front of strangers)

10.   If you could live in any other era/country, what would it be and why?
Futuristic South Korea, she wants to know more about Korea (culture, people, lifestyle, etc)

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