Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Questions - 4.23.13

1.  What is the focus statement of this story?
"Publishers passion fueled by sun"

2.  Give examples of W-M-T sequences

Wide: Driving car, publishing building, sitting at his computer
Medium: Rear-view mirror, talking about his cabin/the books
Tight: Showing the books, electricity meter, hand on computer mouse

3.  Give examples of The Rule of Thirds
Aligning the guy on the left third line with his solar panels filling the rest of the shot, electricity meter on the side with car filling the rest

4.  Give examples of Eyes on Third
His eyes were always on third, even when he wasn't talking or doing anything.

5.  Give examples of Talking Space
Sitting at his computer talking about his cabin, interviewing

6.  What did you like about story?
The guy seemed very humble about his success, it was nice that they pointed out his "sheepish smile" because that really added to his charm.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Notes - 4.22.13

Rule of Thirds - Separating the shot into nine parts, two lines vertical two lines horizontal.

Eyes on Third - Put the eyes on one of the third lines

Talking Space - The space in front of the person that is talking to make a shot more visually appealing

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Notes - 4.18.13

1.  What is a Focus Statement?  Define.
Statement that guides your story.

2.  Why do we need a Focus Statement?
To keep us focused on what we are writing the story about (narrows down to one thing).

3.  Give an example of a Focus Statement sentence.
"Some girls are making their homecoming dresses".

4.  Give an example of a Focus Statement in 3 words: (Subject-Verb-Object)
"Girls make dresses"

5.  What are the 6 Essential Equipment items you need with you when shooting an interview?
Camera, tripod, microphone, headphones, batteries, media.

6.  Why is a tripod important?
Stabilize the camera to eliminate shaking and increase clarity in the video.

7.  The Tripod is my __  friend____. 

8.  Define:  Pan
Moving camera horizontally.

9.  Define:  Tilt
Moving camera vertically.

10.  Why are headphones important?  
Without headphones you don't know what audio you're getting.

Something could have broken which would make it impossible to get anything, or only get unusable footage.

12.  Define Wide shot:
"Establishing shots"

13.  Why do we need a wide shot?
They give an overall feel of the setting & establish location.

14.  Define Medium shot:
Less setting, more detail.

15.  Why do we need a medium shot?
Start to focus on a specific thing.

16.  Define a tight shot.

17.  Why do we need a tight shot?
Get detail and definite focus.

18.  What is a sequence?
A series of connected shots

19.  Why do we need a sequence?
They're used to tell a story that makes sense

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Zamzam Abdi - American Korean

 When you think of the word “Korean” the first thing that comes to mind could range from the looming threat of North Korea, the bustling South Korea, or even just that one song that everyone seems to know the dance to. Something that does not come to mind, is a young woman from Africa, now living in America, and aspiring to move to Korea. Zamzam Abdi is without a doubt the most Korean-loving person I know, her face lighting up with a smile and her very soul seeming to lighten with happiness as she spoke about her plans.
                Smartly thought, Zamzam plans to just visit the Southern country at first before picking up and moving to a new life in a foreign land. She wants to spend a lot of time in the countries capital, Seoul, in hopes of absorbing the culture and maybe, meeting a few of her favourite band members from popular K-Pop groups “Super Junior” and “2ne1”(pronounced “twenty-one”). Among the fast-paced lifestyle of going to band signings, concerts, and game shows, Zamzam also plans to get a (literal) taste of the country through the delicious cuisine.
                Zamzam has a busy and assuredly exciting life ahead of her, and I, personally, wish her the best of luck.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Interview of Classmate

Zamzam Abdi

      1.       What are the origins of your name? (where did your parents find it, any historic/ethnic meaning)
      Named after her aunt, means "holy water"
2.       What kind of background do you come from? (upper/middle/lower class, rural/city, etc)
      Lived in middle class Africa, moved to America, lived in Minneapolis then moved to the suburbs

4.       What do you like to do in your free time? (hobbies/interests)
      Internet, watch Korean dramas and reality shows, draw/photoshop things

5.       What are your plans for the future? (college, job, etc)
      College (Normandale Community), transfer eventually, get a nice car, go to South Korea or Europe (England, Sqitzerland, Belgium)

6.       What do you look for in a boy/girlfriend?
      Nice, good listener, respectful, funny, caring, ~cute~

9.       Favourite trait/quality about yourself?
      Comfortable in own skin (not afraid to be herself in front of strangers)

10.   If you could live in any other era/country, what would it be and why?
Futuristic South Korea, she wants to know more about Korea (culture, people, lifestyle, etc)