What strikes you as interesting? In what ways do you agree or disagree
with him? How does this fit where you are as a writer, and how will it
help you become a better one? (100 words minimum)
I'm sure a lot of people didn't know that many other European Americans were sent to internment camps as well as Asian Americans, so it was interesting that he did a piece on that and explained that there should always be hope in someones story. If there's no hope for the characters in the story, the reader may find it depressing and stop reading. I agree with pretty much all of what he is saying, as it is helpful for writers to be more casual in their writing and give a sense of almost-friendship to the reader. For myself, I already knew this stuff but don't always actively apply it. Sometimes I prefer writing in a passive voice, to give a little change of pace, a little break per se, and I also like writing in pairs rather than threes.
12 Son Football Dynasty (100 words)
I liked his description of how cold it was, as a Minnesotan that is a familiar level of cold in the air. It was surprising when the lady was actually crying though, rather than just her eyes watering from the cold. I find it a little odd to be so emotional over something so unimportant, but to each his own I suppose. It's also strange to have so many children. The topic could be very cliche - children growing up, and their parents reaction - but this story was definitely different. I thought the story was about the parents not having any children on the football team anymore, but then realised it was about all 12 of their boys finally growing up and heading off to college. It was a somber, heartfelt story at that point, watching the ending of the last game and knowing how the mother must be feeling, knowing soon they'll be alone with no children around to break ceramic figurines.
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